UPTET 2011 Merit List. UPTET 2011 Counselling List. UPTET Merit List for 72825 Primary Teachers Recruitment. 72825 Primary Teachers Counselling Merit List 2014.
UP Basic Education Board Official Website
UPTET 2011 Counselling List Corrections Link 1
UP 72825 Primary Teachers Recruitment
UPTET 2011 Counselling Merit List for 72825 Assistant Teachers Recruitment 2014
UPTET 2011 Merit List for counselling for 72825 primary teachers recruitment will soon be released. Counselling for 72825 Assistant Primary Teachers will soon start. The supreme court has ordered the UP state government to conduct counselling for UPTET 2011 passed candidates. There are so many candidates have applied for 72825 primary teachers recruitment in Uttar Pradesh in 2011. Candidates who are qualified in UPTET 2011-2012 has so far applied for this Assistant Teachers recruitment. So much time has gone, but the government has not conducted counselling for these candidates. Few of them has approached the supreme court, and the court has given directions to the state government to conduct counselling for UPTET passed candidates who have applied for this primary teachers recruitment.District wise UPTET 2011 Counselling Merit List

UP 72825 Assistant Primary Teachers Counselling
Lot of candidates are looking forward for 72825 primary teachers recruitment in Uttar Pradesh. Since the court has given directions, it is expected that with in few days from now, the conselling process will start. The UP Basic Education Board has enabled the candidates to make changes into the data that was previously submitted. Till 15th of this month, candidates make changes if the submitted information has been changed. Visit the official website http://upbasiceduboard.gov.in for errors rectification.UP Basic Education Board Official Website
UPTET 2011 Counselling List Corrections Link 1
UP 72825 Primary Teachers Recruitment
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